Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Can't find what you're looking for? Send an email to mpdaainfo@mpdaa.org.au and we will be in touch.
Where can I find box office data and information?
Numero now reports Australian Box Office information. They provide an aggregated reporting platform which gives the film industry and media clean, fast and effective information. You can find out more by visiting the Numero website.
Does the MPDAA distribute films?
The MPDAA is not a film distributor and does not distribute films. For anyone looking for a distributor, we recommend getting in touch directly with a film distribution company. Screen Australia's list of Sales Agents and Distributors is a great place to start.
How do I get permission to screen a film (to my customers or community)?
Public Performance of Movies: All content requires a license when shown to members of the public in a common area, regardless of how that content is sourced and whether the screening is free of charge. The obligation for a licence is a requirement under the Copyright Act (1968).
What Constitutes a Public Screening and how can I get permission? Generally, if the screening is outside your home, it's considered a public screening and will require the appropriate license. This includes screenings in libraries, aged care and retirement facilities, schools, waiting rooms or churches and religious institutions.
Do I need a "Blanket" licence? A Blanket License covers a venue for a year for all of the distributors represented by the licencing organisations listed below. This is helpful if you are regularly screening films.
To find out more about licensing a film for public viewing, visit The Big Studio Movie License, or Amalgamated Movies or Roadshow Public Performance Licencing.
Organisations like The Big Studio Movie Licence can provide a blanket site licence providing the legal coverage to screen movies in common areas at your business address and represents a number of local and international film distributors.
Where can I report piracy?
The Australia New Zealand Screen Association (ANZSA) investigates copyright infringement for the film industry. If you have a piracy case to report please visit the ANZSA website.
Where can I find more information about piracy and copyright?
Visit Creative Content Australia to find the latest research on the impact of piracy to the Australian content industry.